
Youth Sunday School
Youth Sunday School is for everyone in grades 6-12. Class begins at 9:00 am in Dickman Hall Room 6. We'll look at a variety of topics including the Gospel story, ask questions we may have about Christianity, and explore themes often found in the bible. Students are encouraged to give their own input for topics. We will end a little early to allow for participation in kids choir, AV, and more.

Youth Group will happen on the same day as The Well. Students in grades 6-12 are welcome to join for dinner before moving onto our own activities. This will be a balance of community building, games, and serious study time. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and look deeper into faith, philosophy, scripture, and more.
Time and Location: 6:00pm – 8:00pm;
Fellowship Hall, Dickman Hall room 6, and the gym

Bethany Youth Group is a time for students to participate in activities, scriptural lessons, games, and just hang out with each other! It will be a more casual time and happen once a month. Students are invited to join in the planning and ideas for future events. Typically held on the third Saturday of the month.

Please save the date! We are in the planning process for a possible Spring Retreat and a Mission trip for the summer. We also hope students can help lead during VBS for next summer.
Northwest Presbytery Spring Retreat (April 5-7, 2024)
Mystery Mission Trip (June 24-29, 2024)
Vacation Bible School (July 8-12, 2024)

nw presbytery events
Bethany is part of the Northwest Presbytery which includes Old Scotch, Orenco Pres, and Hillsboro Pres. Each month, a member church of the Northwest Presbytery will host an event for all the youth of our Presbytery. These events are a time of learning, fellowship, and connection with youth and believers from around the area. Usually, the events are the first Sunday of the month with a few exceptions.
- Bunco Night (Sunday, Nov 5, 6-8pm)
Hosted by Bethany @ Bethany
(More info at the top of this page)
- Christmas Party (Sunday, Dec 3, 6-8pm)
Hosted by Hillsboro @ Hillsboro Pres.
youth medical
release form
To streamline the process for signing up for youth events, there is a single medical release form to complete for each youth. Once filled out, the form will be good for all events for the 2023-24 academic year through August 31, 2024. Please complete one form per student and submit it either in person, sent with your student, or via email to Megan Jones at megan@bethanypc.com. Download the form by clicking the button below.
Students must have a completed medical release form in order to participate in any youth events. Please make sure it is submitted before the event takes place.