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our current series:

Living Faith: Encounters with Jesus

Jesus had all kinds of interactions with people, some initiated by a specific person, some by groups, and some by Jesus. He meets people in everyday places like at work or home. We will spend the next weeks looking at some of them from Mark’s gospel: the encounter, who initiated it, the interaction, and the conversation topic to explore what we might learn from Jesus about how we share the Good News.

No Longer Strangers
Heart Tree.jpeg
On the Road Again

We turn to Paul’s letter to the Christians in Ephesus and consider what he teaches the church about living in community according to the Gospel. He writes to a community in “familial interpersonal conflict” reminding them who they are “now in Christ Jesus”, no longer strangers to God and no longer alien to one another. The writer is addressing the radical transformation of identity, who they are as individuals as well as the community that is occurring because of their “new life in Christ”.  


Over the next six weeks, we will explore what it looks like to be rooted in reconciliation with God and neighbor. We will ask ourselves how we live this out in our lives today.


Week 1: Family              

Week 2: Aliens Brought Near   

Week 3: God’s Powerful Love

Week 4: Bound Together         

Week 5: Making Peace             

Week 6: Over Flow

Following God through the Gospel of Acts.

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